
Mano de Bruja Astrología

Rebranding and Social networks
Mano de Bruja, is a project created by Kala, an astrologer from Baja California, who offers consulting services in Psychological Astrology and interpretation of Astral Charts, sale of online products, and training courses through talks, conferences, workshops and seminars, aimed at the general public, with the purpose of promoting the development of awareness, providing a serious, professional and versatile alternative in the matter.

Core elements
Kala uses the knowledge of the Astral Chart as a base tool for self-knowledge and spiritual exploration. Her mission is to share this wonderful discipline, as a consultant, being her guide and companion in processes of personal and spiritual development. In this project, we take care of communicating her discipline in a colorful and simple way.


¡Hola! somos Metamorfo

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